Duke Sports Injury and Orthopaedic Urgent Care at Arringdon's hours will vary on Monday, September 2. Hours of operation: 8:00 am to 1:30 pm. This is due to Labor Day.
Our specialists treatjoint and muscleinjuries that occur during sports and daily activities. Visit ourCaryandBrier Creekurgent care clinics for non-orthopedic injuries that require urgent care, like injuries sustained on the job. Visit the nearest emergency room for broken bones that punctured the skin or facial trauma. Chronic, ongoing joint or muscle pain is treated at ourorthopaedic and sports medicine clinics
Please review our visitor guidelines before visiting this location. Keeping everyone safe is our top priority. We appreciate your support of our efforts.
Type:Urgent Care
Our specialists treat joint and muscle sprains, strains, tears, and broken bones that occur during sports and daily activities. We are open late on weekdays and half days on weekends. No appointment is necessary, just walk in.
- If your injury is life-threatening or severe, call 911.
- Visit the nearest emergency room for broken bones that punctured the skin or facial trauma.
- Same- and next-day appointments are available at our orthopaedic and sports medicine clinicsfor ongoing joint or muscle pain and injuries.
- Non-orthopaedic injuries that require urgent care and liability cases, including injuries sustained on the job, can be treated at our nearby urgent care locations in Cary and Brier Creek.
Clinic Hours
Mon | Tues | Wed | Thur | Fri | Sat | Sun |
11:00 am - 7:00 pm | 11:00 am - 7:00 pm | 11:00 am - 7:00 pm | 11:00 am - 7:00 pm | 11:00 am - 7:00 pm | 8:00 am - 1:30 pm | 8:00 am - 1:30 pm |
Monday - Friday 11:00 am - 7:00 pm
Saturday, Sunday 8:00 am - 1:30 pm
*No appointment necessary.
Duke Health Center Arringdon
5601 Arringdon Park Dr
Suite 300
Morrisville, NC 27560-5643
Office 919-660-5066 919-660-5066
Clinic Hours
Mon | Tues | Wed | Thur | Fri | Sat | Sun |
11:00 am - 7:00 pm | 11:00 am - 7:00 pm | 11:00 am - 7:00 pm | 11:00 am - 7:00 pm | 11:00 am - 7:00 pm | 8:00 am - 1:30 pm | 8:00 am - 1:30 pm |
Monday - Friday 11:00 am - 7:00 pm
Saturday, Sunday 8:00 am - 1:30 pm
*No appointment necessary.
Experience the Convenience of Walk-In Orthopaedic Urgent Care
Duke Sports Injury and Orthopaedic Urgent Care at Arringdon offers the convenience of urgent care from specialists who treat recent joint or muscle injuries that happened on the athletic field or during daily activities. It’s more affordable than an emergency room visit and allows you to avoid the long waits and potential exposure to illness that can happen at primary urgent care.
Orthopaedic Urgent Care Is Available Evenings and Weekends
Our orthopedic providers are available weekdays until 7:00 pm and weekends until 1:30 pm to treat these and other injuries:
- Ruptured Achilles tendon
- Foot pain, strains, and fractures
- Ankle pain, sprains, and fractures
- Injury to ligaments or tendons
- Sudden knee and hip injuries
- Wrist strains, sprains, and fractures
- Shoulder injuries, rotator cuff tears
- Pain from sudden back or neck injuries
- Torn ACLs, meniscal tears, kneecap fractures, or dislocation
- Elbow pain, strain, sprain
We take care of your joint or muscle injury and can schedule your follow-up care at the appropriate time at an orthopaedic clinic near you.
Conditions Not Treated at this Clinic
- Non-orthopaedic injuries or conditions
- Chronic pain
- Open fractures (when bone protrudes from the skin)
- Facial trauma
- Partial or full amputations
- Injuries sustained at work
- Injuries to the chest
Orthopaedic Urgent Care Tests and Services
We provide the following tests, treatments, and medical equipment as needed:
- X-rays and lab tests
- Wound dressing for cuts and lacerations
- Casting and splinting for broken bones
- Braces, boots,crutches, and more
Our Providers
Loading Results
Accepted Insurance
Duke Health contracts with the health insurance carriers listed below.
Your visit will be billed to your insurance plan as a specialty visit, not an urgent care visit. Please contact your insurance company to verify that Duke Sports Injury and Orthopaedic Urgent Care at Arringdon is included in your network before your visit and to learn if a referral is required. If you are treated at Duke Sports Injury and Orthopaedic Urgent Care at Arringdon and your health insurance benefits do not include Duke or you did not obtain a required referral, your out-of-pocket liability will be higher.
Your insurance company will also inform you of any co-payments, co–insurances, or deductibles that are your responsibility. We will contact you regarding your coverage and patient liability. Learn about our financial assistance policy if you are uninsured.
- Aetna Choice POS, Aetna Choice POS II
- Aetna Elect Choice HMO, Aetna Open Access Elect Choice
- Aetna Health Network Only, Aetna Health Network Option
- Aetna HMO
- Aetna Limited Benefit Insurance PPO
- Aetna Managed Choice POS
- Aetna Medicare Assure Plan (HMO D-SNP)
- Aetna Medicare Eagle Plan (PPO)
- Aetna Medicare Essential Plan (PPO)
- Aetna Medicare Value Plan (HMO)
- Aetna Open Access HMO, Open Access Aetna Select, Aetna Open Access Managed Choice
- Aetna Open Choice PPO
- Aetna PCP Coordinated POS Plan
- Aetna Quality Point of Service (QPOS)
- Aetna Select HMO
- Aetna Traditional Choice
- Aetna Voluntary Indemnity Group Plan
- Aetna Whole Health – Duke WakeMed WKCC
- Aetna/CVS Health
- Ambetter of North Carolina
Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC
- Blue Advantage
- Blue Medicare (HMO, PPO)*
- Blue Options (123, PPO, HSA)
- Blue Select
- NC State Employees Health Plan
*Duke HomeCare and Hospice does not participate in the plan.
- Cigna Behavioral Health (*Limited eligibility)
- Cigna Choice Plus
- Cigna Connect Individual Family Plan
- Cigna Open Access
- Cigna Open Access Plus
*Please call Cigna Behavioral Heath to see if the provider is participating in yourplan.
Duke Group Plans
- Duke Basic
- Duke Select
Experience Health
- Experience Health Medicare Advantage (HMO) Plan
Gateway Health Alliance
- Humana Choice (PPO)
- Humana Choice - Medicare Advantage (PPO)
- Humana ChoiceCare - Medicare Advantage (PPO)
- Humana Gold Choice - Medicare Advantage (PFFS)
- Humana Gold Plus - Medicare Advantage (HMO)
- Humana Medicare Advantage Group Plan - NC State Retirees
- First Medicare Direct
- Medicare Part A
- Medicare Part B
NC Medicaid
- AmeriHealth Caritas North Carolina
- Carolina Complete Health
- Healthy Blue
- NC Medicaid Direct
- WellCare of North Carolina
- TRICARE Select
United Healthcare
- AARP Medicare Advantage Plan 2 (HMO-POS)
- AARP Medicare Complete (HMO, PPO)*
- AARP Medicare Complete Essential (HMO)*
- All Savers Alternate Funding
- All Savers Fully Insured
- United Healthcare (HMO, PPO, POS)
- United Healthcare Charter/Charter Balance/Charter Plus
- United Healthcare Choice/Choice Plus
- United Healthcare Core/Core Essential
- United Healthcare Navigate/Navigate Plus/Navigate Balanced
- United Healthcare Option PPO
- United Healthcare Passport Connect Choice/Choice Plus
- United Healthcare Passport Connect Options PPO
- United Healthcare Select/Select Plus
- United Healthcare Shared Services - Harvard Pilgrim/UHC Options PPO Network
- United Medical Resources (UMR)
*Duke HomeCare and Hospice and mental health providers do not participate with the plan.
About Us
Duke Sports Injury and Orthopaedic Urgent Care at Arringdon is located in Duke Health Center Arringdon.
Preparing For Your Visit
Accessibility Services
We provide equal access for all people and offer a range of free accessibility services to patients and visitors who need them.
Interpreter Services
Free interpreter services can be provided for patients who prefer to communicate in a language other than English.
Free Wi-Fi Available
Duke Health Center Arringdon
5601 Arringdon Park Dr
Suite 300
Morrisville, NC 27560-5643
Free, convenient parking is available.
Public Transportation
Plan your trip to Duke Sports Injury and Orthopaedic Urgent Care at Arringdon through GoDurham and GoTriangle. There is no bus stop within 0.5 miles. Visit GoDurham Accessand GoTriangle Access to check if you meet the ADA eligibility foraccessible transit programs.
Related Locations
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3475 Erwin Rd
Durham, NC 27705-0005
Duke Orthopaedics Arringdon
Duke Health Center Arringdon
5601 Arringdon Park Dr
Suite 300
Morrisville, NC 27560-5643
Duke Orthopaedics of Apex
Duke Health Apex
1545 Orchard Villas Ave
Suite 100
Apex, NC 27502-4321
Duke Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Arringdon
Duke Health Center Arringdon
5601 Arringdon Park Dr
Suite 230
Morrisville, NC 27560-5643